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Managing physically

Cancer and cancer treatment can have a huge effect on how you feel physically. We can offer support and advice to help you manage the physical impact of cancer.

A woman is on a swing with a small child sat on her knee.

Managing side effects

Every type of cancer and its treatment is associated with different symptoms and side effects. Knowing what to expect and when to seek advice, can help you to feel more in control of what's happening.

Whether you are living with or beyond cancer or are affected by it in any way, we provide a range of therapies which can promote a feeling of calm, reduce anxiety and help you to feel more relaxed.

Fatigue, hot flushes and sleep

Common side effects of cancer and cancer treatment are fatigue, hot flushes and difficulty sleeping.


Fatigue is not always seen by loved ones, who may comment on 'how well you look', when you may feel exhausted.

Among the causes of fatigue are:

  • Cancer itself
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment
  • Travel
  • Stress
  • Medication
  • Pain
  • Surgery
  • Changes to nutrition
  • Emotional state
  • Anaemia
  • Hormone therapy
  • Other underlying medical conditions

Hot flushes

Hot flushes are also common among people going through cancer or cancer treatment.

At Weston Park Cancer Support, we are able to provide four weekly sessions of Auricular Acupuncture for people experiencing hot flushes as a result of cancer and its treatment. Discover more about auricular acupuncture here.


Disturbed or altered sleep patterns are common following cancer treatment.

When we lack sleep, our resilience both physically and mentally is affected and this can have a huge impact on daily living, as well as family and working life.

Disturbed sleep patterns during cancer treatment can be caused by a number of things including pain, breathing difficulties, itchy skin, nausea, hot flushes, anxiety and depression.

At Weston Park Cancer Support, you can talk to one of our specialist healthcare professionals about any sleep problems you may be having. They can offer you tips and advice on 'sleep hygiene' and ways to ensure you get the rest you need.

We also offer Yoga Nidra as a complementary therapy, which includes guided meditation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improving mood to help you relax and sleep.

View our complementary therapies

Going through cancer or having cancer treatment can have an effect on your physical condition. Our complementary therapies can help alleviate symptoms and side effects.

Auricular acupuncture

Auricular acupuncture can help alleviate side effects such as hot flushes, night sweats and poor sleep. It is particularly effective for breast, prostate and gynaecological cancer patients who are currently undergoing hormone treatment.

Bra fitting

Do you want to feel confident, comfortable and supported after breast surgery? We host a specialist bra-fitting service at Weston Park Cancer Support.

Health and wellbeing support from our partners

OutSwimming Cancer

OutSwimming Cancer is run by Chesterfield Borough Council and funded by Weston Park Cancer Charity. It provides free swimming sessions for people living with or beyond cancer.

Sheffield United Community Foundation

Healthy Families, Healthy Futures is a free programme of exercise sessions to support people affected by cancer and other physical or mental health conditions. Activities include walking football, chair-based exercise, badminton and seated dance.